Collection: Studio Lucchi & Biserni

The Studio Lucchi & Biserni was founded in 1998 by architects Alexander Lucchi and Cristiano Biserni, and today counts of professionals including architects, design, offering expertise in design, construction management, construction management, artistic direction. Among the major clients companies such as Mandarina Duck, Labocos Wella, Procter & Gamble, Martinelli Luce, Cappellini, Poltrona Frau, Cassina,
Gibamshops, Iron Trades, with which it collaborates on an ongoing basis for the design of commercial spaces, crafts, trade stands, ornaments and designs. In 2002 the project for a lighting system for Martinelli Luce di Lucca, was selected for the Compasso d'oro, an International Design Award.

Since 2000, the firm works on an ongoing basis with the Tribunal of Forlì as Technical Consultants for Office (CTU), Alessandro Lucchi and Cristiano Biserni provide technical advice or estimate of property subject to civil or property executions. The study deals with museum exhibitions, taking care of several exhibitions including: Menzocchi Francesco, Felice Giani, The National Library of France, In Praise of Evidence, Palmezzano, Silvestro Lega, Guido Cagnacci, Maceo, the Art of Advertising, Science and Technique, Gio 'Ponti, Antonio Canova, The Flower Show, Nature and Symbol from six hundred to Van Gogh, Melozzo da Forli between Piero della Francesca and Raphael. The study, together with the architect Jean Michel Wilmotte of Paris, was the designer for the Preparation of Complex Museum San Domenico, always together with the French architect won the competition for the renovation of the "Palazzo del Merenda" present location in the Art Gallery and Library of the city of Forlì, of which presented the preliminary draft maximum.

Among his latest achievements, the Restoration of the Palace Marchesi (Bishop's current home), the restoration of the Church Walk, the redevelopment of the historic company Baschieri & Pellagri in Bologna, the temporary exhibition hall in the ancient cistern of the Rock of Bertinoro, the realization a shopping mall in the center of Forlì MegaStore of about 3000 square meters. With the Studio Lucchi & Biserni collaborate architects and designers including Michele De Lucchi, Michael Young, Marcel Wanders, JM Wilmotte, Angelo Micheli, Ulysses Sunsets, Arch Stefano Stanghellini and arch. Iginio Rossi.

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