Collection: Stefano Papi

Stefano Papi graduated in Industrial Design at the university of "La Sapienza", Rome. He presents "Aura the scooter of the tuture" in his thesis, the design which won the Aprilia Design Prize 2002 which was developed in collaboration with the Paretti Studio. He dedicated himself to the development of products and the making of films and audiovisual presentations, collaborating as a freelance professional with various design studios. He looks after the Communications side of various products and concepts for internet sites.

In 2005 he begins his collaboration with Slamp S.p.A. which leads him deeper into company industrial process mechanisms.He deals with the optimization and innovation of these processes, as well as the making of products and exhibition display materials. He took care of the production processes of Nigel Coates' lamps which were displayed at the 11th Biennale of Architecture in Venice. In 2008 he designs the suspension lamp "Goccia di Luce" (Drops of Light).

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