Collection: OS & OOS

Oskar Peet (NL/CAN) and Sophie Mensen (NL) are both graduates of the Design Academy Eindhoven (2009), and started the firm OS & OOS in the Autumn off 2011. Both live and work currently in the city of Eindhoven the Netherlands. Being both designers with the same feeling for form, shape and a general feeling for how we wish to present ourselves and our products to the world, it was a clear choice to join forces, for together we fill in the qualities that the other perhaps misses. The majority of Studio OS & OOS work borders the line of design (in the industrial/ functionality sence) and autonomous objects; best described as contemporary objects derived from concept, yet rationalized to give them purpose.

"We feel it is very important that the objects are able to show a clear form language and without prior knowledge of the concept behind them it should be able to communicate, not only in it’s physical form but also in the manner it is to be used. The concept is always our starting point for any new project, much effort goes into this stage to build up a rational reason for the projects existance, it has become one of our major goals and motivation to try and divert the urge to produce works only for the sake of making new work." The conclusion of these efforts results in neither a product nor pure artistic expression but a culmination of the both. A product where art=industry.

2 products