Collection: Marco Merendi

Marco Merendi was born in Faenza on May 2, 1968, to a Dutch ceramicist mother and a hotelier father from Romagna, inheriting from his maternal grandfather, a philips executive, a passion and curiosity for domestic electricity. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Florence in 1996 with a thesis in industrial design in collaboration with Team Minardi Formula 1. As soon as he graduated he moved for a period to Amsterdam where he collaborated with the studio 'LITE: daglicht / kunstlicht adviezen' dealing with the realization of luminous objects and lighting design of large spaces.

Before moving to Milan, he designed the interiors of the trucks for Minardi Formula 1 and Team Honda Gresini: inspired by the passion for the world of motorsport, he learned and experimented with new materials and technologies. He then cooperated with Studio Cerri & Associati and with Ivana Porfiri studio, where Marco works on the interior design of yacht, art galleries, exhibitions and private houses. He was design consultant in Artemide, focusing on design and R&D for new products.

He lives and works in Milan, where his research and his interests range between architecture, design and communication. These are the key words of his work: passion, experimentation and magic. He teaches at the Scuola Politecnica di Design (SPD) in Milan and his works have been published in several international magazines such as Modo, Case da Abitare, Interni, Elle Decor, Casabella. He designs for many renowed companies like Lavazza, Gruppo Pentole Agnelli, FontanaArte, Viabizzuno (the Bamboo lamp won the Design Plus 2002 award), davide groppi, Buzzi & Buzzi, Dovetusai, MDF Italia, Terra Moretti - Contadi Castaldi, Riflessi, Danese Milano, Nito and Rapsel (the Amarcord series of faucets was selected for the XXIII Compasso d'Oro ADI award), Rossana Orlandi and Kundalini. T

he first project for Agape was developed in collaboration with Diego Vencato. They met at Artemide where Marco was in charge for the art direction and Diego was the head of Special Project Development section. They work individually and together they carry out the research work that, as in this case, can sometimes give birth to shared projects.

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