Collection: Luciano Trevisiol

Luciano Trevisiol, industrial designer lives and works in Castelfranco Veneto. Since 1990, when he started his professional activity, he has been mainly involved in product design. 1990 is also a significant date because he met two important figures in the world of design: architects Tobia Scarpa and Luciano Bertoncini, with whom he collaborated for several years. He has worked for several design companies: Boloni China, Cadel, Capodopera, Cinetto, Doima Cucine, Ethos Letti, Frighetto, and Krios. The main feature of his work is the traceability of the projects, which does not stop at the initial creative stage, but tends to follow all the caries stages: proposing research of materials, innovative processing techniques and constant control of the design path. All this to create a constructive and real synergy with the brands that rely on his creativity. Since 2015 he has been collaborating with LINO CODATO DESIGN & COMMUNICATION in Castelfranco Veneto.

3 products