컬렉션: Ueli Berger

Ueli Berger was born in Bern in 1937 into a family close to the art world. After an apprenticeship as a painter, he began training in furniture design and interior architecture with Hans Eichenberger in 1960, which was to have a major influence on the young designer's early career. Between 1965 and 1969 he headed the design and development section at the firm Troesch in Bern. From the mid-1960s he was also active as an artist, taking part in several art exhibitions and being a member of the avant-garde group "Bern 66." In the course of his career as an artist, he produced a number of solo and group exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad. His works include installations, objects, photomontages and works on paper. His complete oeuvre should be considered multidisciplinary, turning also toward the fields of architecture and design, he plays with the theme of light, movement and the relationship between surface and space.

Since the 1970s he has been making art projects on buildings and in public places, as well as interventions on objects in demolition. Objects of various kinds found in public space have often been the starting point for his installations, as in the case of the so-called "Skulptur für Fussgänger" (Sculpture for Pedestrians), created for the 8th Swiss Sculpture Exhibition in Biel (1986). As a designer-especially as a furniture designer-a clear development in his working approach between his early and later production is recognizable. Bound at first to the so-called "gute Form" ("good form"), thus to a functional and economical way of working, he developed over time a more playful and experimental approach. The latter will mark his lifelong collaboration with his wife Susi Berger.

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