컬렉션: Nicolò Morales

Nicolò Morales was born in Caltagirone in 1973 where he lives and works. From an early age he enthusiastically attended workshops of master ceramic artisans. After compulsory schooling he enrolled at the State Institute of Art and with merit participates in numerous events organized by the same, and not only, represents the Institute and has considerable success. He participates in various group exhibitions, competitions and solo shows. For several years now he has been appreciated by Italian and foreign designers, most recently his important collaboration with architect Ugo La Pietra. His works are present in public and private collections. In particular, the same has had the appreciation of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, secretary of state of His Holiness, for the realization of a majolica plate with the papal coat of arms paid tribute to Pope Benedict XVI.

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