컬렉션: Martine Bedin

Martine Bedin (Bordeaux, 1957) joined the “radical design” movement in Florence, Italy in 1978. Architect and designer in 1981, she participated in the foundation of the Memphis group in Milan. After this experience she lived in Italy for more than 30 years.
She has been a consultant for brands such as Louis Vuitton and Loewe; since 1981 she has taught at numerous universities of design, architecture and art. She founded the European Obser-vatory of the Object in 2001. Since the beginning of the 2000s she has drawn unique furniture pieces only in a limited series and her objects are part of the collections of numerous museums like MoMA New York, Victoria & Albert Museum London, Centre Pompidou Paris and others.
She lives in Paris, where she is active member of the commission of Art Professions. She was awarded the title of Knight of Arts and Letters.

2014 — "Week-end à Rome", Speerstra Gallery, (Apples)
2012 — "Portuncandela", Pierre Marie Giraud Gallery, (Brussels)
2011 — "Chaos", Pierre-Marie Giraud Gallery, (Brussels)
2011 — "À petits pas...", Manufacture Nationale de Sèvre, (Paris)
2009 — "Ombre", Pierre-Marie Giraud Gallery, (Brussels)
2009 — "79 Gradini", drawings, (Paris)
2008 — "Fragments and architecture", Zezeze Gallery, (Tel Aviv)
2007 — "Città", Musée des Arts Décoratifs, (Paris)
2006 — "Faccia a Faccia", Galerie Café Europe Centro di Arte Contemporanea, (Rome)
2005 — "Face à face", Pavillon des Arts, (Geneva)
2004 — Founded "L'Observatoire Européen de l’objet"
2003 — "Prova d’autore", Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Bordeaux
2003 — "Martine Bedin", Roberto Giustini Gallery, (Rome)
2002 — "1x1", Antonia Janone Gallery, (Milan)
2000 — Founded "Les Escarpolettes Réinventées", a traveling exhibition in Europe: Un jeu d’enfants
1999 — "Heavy Wood", Post Design Gallery, (Milan)
1997 — "Présumés innocents", scenography, CAPC, (Bordeaux)
1995 — "Les 4 maisons", CAPC, (Bordeaux)
1994 — "La maison rouge", construction, (Bordeaux)
1993 — Awarded Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by French Minister of Culture
1991 — Founded "La Manufacture Familiale", (Bordeaux)
1991 — "Les grands meubles", BDX Gallery, (Bordeaux)
1988 — Designed "La maison Fabre", (Toulouse)
1986 — "Les Ateliers de Nîmes", Design of buses and development of public spaces
1985 — "Skipper", mixer faucets for Jacob Delafon, prize-winner of the Ministry of Industry compétition
1983 — Lamp "Gédéon", prize-winner of the Ministry of Culture competition
1982 — Teacher of design at the Camondo School, (Paris)
1980-1988 — Memphis, (Milan)
1979 — "La casa decorata", Milan Triennale, (Milan)
1978 — "Römemberg Platz" with Superstudio, (Dusseldorf)

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