수집: Cesare Monti

Cesare Monti is an Italian architect and designer, he graduated in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Turin where he was also a contract professor for three years with a design course based on grid shells and spatial structures. Before graduating, he won the competition for the new Autogrill with Renzo Piano Building Workshop’s members proposing a bold wing-structure suspended by cables. After an early collaboration with the RFR Studio in Paris (Peter Rice & Ian Ritchie Studio), he started his personal practice in Turin operating both in the architectural and in the design field.

Among his projects the main entry of the Sporting Club Montecarlo (2001), the Reflex Headquarter in Treviso (2003) and Showroom in Milano (2006), the Belmonte Headquarter in Montpellier (2007), the Chopard private museum stairs in Geneve (2009). With the carbon fiber chair SHELL he won the international price Catas in 2006, while in 2008 he was finalist of the Compasso D’Oro Price for the TENSYON glazing components. In the year 2011 he also won the competition for the Torre Littoria refurbishment in Torino. He is currently designing for Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, for the Austrian company Austroflamm and for Italian and foreign companies.

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